Spa Memberships
Enhancing individual beauty with state-of-the-art technologies and personalized service. Our professional team is ready to provide the best possible service personalized just for you.
About Our Spa Memberships
Living the spa lifestyle has never been easier thanks to Daired’s Salon & Spa Pangea. Nurture your body, mind, and soul with one Spa Pangéa signature service, plus discounts on additional spa services, boutique, café, and member-exclusive events.
Monthly Spa Membership $75
Each month nurture your body, mind and soul with one Spa Pangea signature service:
Pangea Custom Massage
(50 minutes)
Pangea Hydration Scrub
& Body Polish
(50 minutes)
Pangea Custom Facial
(50 minutes)
Pangea Manicure
& Pedicure
(90 minutes)
Additional Member Benefits
20% Off Additional Spa Services*
10% Off Daireds Boutique Purchases *
10% Off Daireds Cafe Purchases *
*Excludes Alcohol
Exclusive Member-Only Events
Need More Information?
We invite you to contact us with any questions you may have about spa services & memberships.